CFNWM: Competitive Grants

From Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi

The Community Foundation focuses on programs that involve health and education, with a special emphasis on serving the needs of youth and children. Their mission encompasses the betterment of Early Childhood Education, the Future of Northwest Mississippi, Place-Based Education & Civic Engagement, and integrating Technology in Education to foster growth and development within these areas.

Type of Support


The Community Foundation provides 4 competitive grant programs that support initiatives in Early Childhood Education, Future of Northwest Mississippi, Place-Based Education & Civic Engagement, and Technology in Education. These grants are aimed at projects that align with the foundation's commitment to health and education, particularly those benefiting youth and children. Offered bi-annually, with deadlines on March 1st and September 1st, the grants cover a variety of focus areas: Endowment for the Future of Northwest Mississippi, Place-Based Education & Civic Entrepreneurship, Technology in Education, and Early Childhood Education. The CFNM Grants Committee selects projects that best fit within these pillars, indicating a broad willingness to invest in the future of the community through education and health initiatives.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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100 – 20k


Visit Apply for more information.

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