Knight Foundation Fund - Milledgeville

From Community Foundation of Central Georgia

The Community Foundation's vision is a Central Georgia where philanthropy thrives, communities are strong, and citizens work toward common goals. Their mission is to engage the community of donors to strengthen local nonprofits through collaboration, believing that even a small gift can make a big impact. Their goal is to connect people who care with tangible needs in the region.

Type of Support


The Knight Foundation Fund focuses on fostering informed and engaged communities specifically in Milledgeville and Baldwin County, Georgia. It seeks to achieve this by supporting projects that attract, retain, and connect talented individuals to their communities, thereby driving economic growth and neighborhood revitalization. The fund prioritizes initiatives that expand opportunity through entrepreneurship and economic mobility, and bolster civic infrastructure to foster idea growth and inclusiveness. The grantmaking framework focuses on three areas: Talent (economic growth and job creation), Place (connecting assets and people, incorporating quality design, and leveraging partnerships), and Civic Innovation (promoting engagement and innovation in governance). While there is no maximum grant amount specified per organization, the total annual grant pool is approximately $90,000.


Organization's Location
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Organization Type
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up to 90k


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