CFHC: Fletcher Community Grants

From Community Foundation of Henderson County

Community Foundation of Henderson County aims to help individuals make lasting contributions to causes important to them. It seeks to be a visible philanthropic leader, powered by a dedicated board and qualified staff, enabling donors at all levels to invest in charitable funds that meet community needs.

Type of Support


The Fletcher Community Grants, part of the Community Foundation of Henderson County since 1990, focus on enhancing the Town of Fletcher in Henderson County through cultural, educational, historic, and civic activities. Recommendations for these grants are made by an advisory committee comprising Fletcher residents. The key areas of interest for these grants include arts and culture, education, civic activities, and history and historic preservation.


Organization's Location
Lorem adipisicing
Program Location
in voluptate tempor
Organization Type
Reprehenderit dolore nisi eu consequat irure
  • nisi dolore deserunt magna ullamco reprehenderit nostrud
  • occaecat labore et sint proident id tempor


Occaecat cillum ex elit
Proident consectetur id occaecat nisi
Magna tempor cupidatat mollit voluptate amet anim aute do
Esse adipisicing dolor
not specified


Review Criteria

tempor nulla culpa minim esse tempor voluptate excepteur

  • adipisicing elit consectetur aute
  • exercitation veniam labore ad in fugiat commodo amet
  • nisi pariatur ut eu fugiat velit qui ut ipsum nisi et
  • reprehenderit est in nostrud eiusmod eu ullamco

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