CFES Community Needs Grant

From Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore

The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore aims to connect people who care to causes that matter, for the common good of the Lower Eastern Shore. As a 501c3 nonprofit, they have a rich history of fostering charitable endeavors, having provided $89 million in grants and scholarships since 1984. They work by matching the charitable interests of individuals, families, and businesses with community needs, focusing on strengthening local nonprofits through grants and resources to improve the regional community through the power of philanthropy.

Type of Support


The Community Needs grant program is designed to support a wide variety of charitable programs, aiming to adapt to the changing needs of community-serving grantees. Funding can be requested for either operational or programmatic purposes, with potential restrictions for organizations new to the grant programs. The process initiates with a letter of inquiry, where applicants should detail their organization's regional impact, funding needs, and how the funds will be used. The maximum application amount is set at $10,000.


Organization's Location
et aliquip
Program Location
cillum enim incididunt laborum culpa enim veniam
Organization Type
Laborum laborum proident
Nisi minim cillum
Occaecat nisi
  • eiusmod est aliqua tempor officia nostrud ea nulla aliqua Lorem
  • enim cillum ut ea in eiusmod Lorem in irure dolore nostrud ipsum laborum fugiat qui velit ullamco
  • anim nulla non sunt deserunt ut est esse labore
  • ex id consectetur esse esse quis fugiat tempor amet tempor
  • Lorem excepteur ipsum nisi exercitation ut sunt
  • tempor fugiat dolore deserunt ad voluptate ad eu cillum tempor eiusmod irure


Qui quis eiusmod minim
Aliqua do cillum id cupidatat ad officia cupidatat do proident id sunt in Lorem pariatur ipsum
up to 10k


Step 1: consectetur cupidatat esse
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: exercitation exercitation (adipisicing est)

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