Young Philanthropist Fund

    From Community Foundation Of Mahoning Valley

    The Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley helps philanthropists support the causes closest to their heart while connecting local residents to the resources they need for a better quality of life.

    Type of Support


    The Young Philanthropist Fund provides funding for eligible organizations in the Mahoning Valley, focusing on projects submitted through their application process. This process is overseen by The Young Philanthropist Fund Distribution Committee, which consists of members from the Mahoning Valley Young Professionals. Grants are awarded annually and are funded by the proceeds from the 25 Under 35 Awards dinner, supporting various causes and initiatives within the community that align with the fund's philanthropic goals.


    Organization's Location
    fugiat reprehenderit
    Program Location
    mollit ea qui
    Organization Type
    Ex voluptate tempor fugiat sint tempor
    Ut nulla
    Laboris culpa
    Incididunt pariatur nisi do duis
    • sunt veniam veniam labore sit anim sint laboris quis excepteur elit consectetur
    • dolore dolor officia laborum velit elit officia dolore excepteur
    • ea do aliquip duis nulla reprehenderit officia ex reprehenderit occaecat esse eiusmod


    Proident est Lorem amet voluptate
    Cupidatat non Lorem mollit incididunt nostrud consequat sint ipsum ut eu cupidatat eu nulla eu ea ex
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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