Arts and Cultural Fund Grant

From The Community Foundation Of The Dan River Region

The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region aims to address various social, educational, cultural, and charitable needs within the Dan River Region, which encompasses Danville/Pittsylvania County to South Boston/Halifax County and neighboring North Carolina counties. Established in 1996 by local civic leaders, the Foundation supports this mission through grants funded by earnings on its endowment assets to nonprofit organizations throughout the region.

Type of Support


The Arts and Cultural Fund provides grants to organizations in Danville-Pittsylvania County for specific arts events scheduled between August 2022 and August 2023. The focus is on supporting events that engage the broader community, as evidenced by the requirement that events must not restrict attendance to an organization's own membership. Applicants are required to demonstrate financial co-commitment, with at least 50% of their event's budget being self-generated or covered through ticket sales. Examples of expenses that will not be considered for funding include promotional activities, social events like parties or receptions, and capital expenditures such as building, remodeling, or restoration projects.


Organization's Location
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Visit Apply for more information.

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