Douglas County Affiliate Grantmaking Program

    From Community Foundation of the Ozarks Inc.

    The Community Foundation of the Ozarks is committed to achieving positive impact with regard to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the CFO service area.

    Type of Support


    The grant program by the Douglas County Community Foundation is designed to support varied and critical needs within the community, ensuring a dynamic and responsive approach to grantmaking. With a maximum funding of up to $2,000 available for chosen applicants, the program encourages proposals that align with the foundation's goals of improving community life in Douglas County. The grants are awarded based on the availability of funds, with a yearly application deadline to consider for fiscal distribution.


    Organization's Location
    velit cupidatat
    Program Location
    ea consectetur qui
    Organization Type
    Reprehenderit fugiat eiusmod incididunt non duis
    Nulla minim
    Et officia
    up to 2K


    Required Attachments
    dolore id

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