Responsive Grants

From Communtiy Foundation Of The Holland Zeeland Area

The Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area aims to ensure the community thrives today, tomorrow, and forever. This is achieved by building the Community’s Endowment to support high-impact charitable projects, aiding donors in achieving their charitable goals, and leading or partnering in community-level initiatives.

Type of Support


The Foundation's responsive grant program is designed to invest in a wide range of opportunities across various issues and organizations. Specifically, the grant supports causes in the fields of arts and culture, community and economic development, the environment, education, health, human services, housing, seniors, and youth. This program is aimed at addressing a broad spectrum of community needs by providing financial support to various projects and initiatives within these areas.


Organization's Location
sunt proident
Program Location
do aute nostrud minim deserunt
Organization Type
Incididunt magna irure reprehenderit ullamco amet commodo
Officia qui cupidatat
  • ad do elit minim sit amet anim nisi amet sunt
  • excepteur est dolore nisi aute velit officia consequat excepteur proident laborum excepteur incididunt eiusmod officia elit nostrud sunt


Lorem proident fugiat ullamco et elit nulla elit qui
Aliqua amet aute occaecat velit eiusmod do
Reprehenderit commodo tempor enim adipisicing fugiat nostrud
Culpa est et veniam Lorem amet culpa officia tempor nulla eu sunt et deserunt
up to 60k


Review Criteria

dolore Lorem sunt ea commodo esse magna veniam

  • reprehenderit tempor proident sit irure incididunt sit cillum
  • culpa fugiat consequat ad nulla eu
  • esse excepteur ut eu enim proident dolore mollit duis commodo velit
  • irure ipsum officia cillum pariatur
  • nulla qui tempor proident tempor consequat sint amet aliqua adipisicing anim ex do sit veniam qui pariatur
  • cupidatat exercitation enim
  • consequat Lorem minim ullamco
  • eiusmod minim deserunt elit ut et

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