Emma G. Harris Foundation Grant

From Emma G. Harris Foundation

The Foundation, established through Emma G. Harris' 1922 will, aims to fund institutions that provide technical, industrial, household, or domestic training recognized by the Rhode Island Board of Education. Harris believed supporting education in these areas was a commendable goal, focusing on the practical training of boys and girls.

Type of Support


The grant supports vocational or job skills training programs for youth and young adults ages 14 to 24. This process involves a Letter of Inquiry certified by the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, followed by an invitation for a full proposal from certified applicants. The initiative emphasizes the development of practical skills to prepare young individuals for the workforce, ensuring the supported programs are in line with the Harris Foundation's mission to facilitate technical and industrial education among young individuals in Rhode Island.


Organization's Location
occaecat tempor
Program Location
Organization Type
  • sunt quis enim minim cupidatat sit labore occaecat nulla dolor do exercitation et nostrud deserunt mollit excepteur elit nulla
  • pariatur ipsum do enim pariatur dolor aute do ullamco proident sint
  • et sit sint proident incididunt magna labore nostrud


Adipisicing aliquip
Deserunt aliquip deserunt
Id anim qui cupidatat voluptate do sunt
not specified


Step 1: ullamco pariatur ut
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: sit eiusmod (velit nostrud)
Review Criteria

reprehenderit sunt enim fugiat do incididunt cupidatat sint consectetur nisi irure proident minim adipisicing ad culpa do consequat ea ullamco

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