RIF: Strategic Initiative Grants

From The Rhode Island Community Foundation

The Rhode Island Foundation seeks to address the health and healthcare needs of Rhode Islanders by managing and distributing funds from generous donors. These funds are designated for specific medical conditions, aiming to support nonprofit organizations working within these areas to improve health outcomes and address health inequities and disparities across the state.

Type of Support


Strategic Initiative Grants support projects that align with the foundation's strategic priorities: economic security, educational success, and healthy lives. The grants aim to promote prosperity and improve the quality of life for all Rhode Islanders through program support, organizational development, capacity building, and advocacy or systems reform initiatives. The foundation focuses on specific causes within these priorities, including financial stability for Rhode Island households, enriching educational environments and opportunities for children, and accessible healthcare. Grant resources are directed toward activities and strategies believed to be most effective in advancing these goals. General operating support is provided to organizations central to progress in these strategic areas.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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