Evergreen Foundation Grant

From Evergreen Foundation

The Evergreen Foundation aims to enhance access to and awareness of quality prevention, treatment, and support services for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities or behavioral health and substance abuse needs in specific North Carolina counties. Founded in 1977, it supports these services through financial backing to private service providers in western North Carolina.

Type of Support


The Evergreen Foundation provides financial aid through a competitive grant process, targeting a variety of goals such as infrastructure support, start-up and service provision grants, scholarships for provider network quality enhancement, public awareness and education initiatives, fundraising, and advocacy. These grants, numbering between 25 and 30 annually, support a wide range of service providers in the sectors of behavioral health, substance abuse, and developmental disabilities, without specifying minimum or maximum request limits.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NC (Cherokee County, Clay County, Graham County, Haywood County, Jackson County, Macon County, Swain County)
Organization Type
Not-for-profit organizations with a 501(c)(3) or equivalent provision
  • Serving persons with behavioral health, substance abuse, or intellectual/developmental disabilities
  • Located in the seven counties of Western North Carolina
  • Previous grantees have included agencies throughout the specified region


Not-for-profit organizations providing pass-through funds to for-profits
Not-for-profit organizations providing pass-through funds to private foundations.
5k – 30k


Visit Apply for more information.

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