Evergy: Corporate Contributions

From Evergy, Inc.

The mission is to contribute towards a sustainable energy future and promote community vitality by minimizing environmental impact and investing in opportunities that drive workforce readiness, business retention and attraction, and access to opportunities for diverse age groups and backgrounds. This includes a focus on clean energy resources, education, stewardship, and environmental action and activities to ensure communities are as healthy and vibrant as the people living in them.

Type of Support


The grant program seeks innovative solutions to address root causes of community and environmental challenges, emphasizing support for projects aligned with environmental leadership and community vitality. It prioritizes funding for initiatives aimed at creating a sustainable energy future, advancing clean energy resources, supporting education and environmental stewardship, and enhancing community health through business growth, workforce readiness, and broad-based access to opportunities. Evaluation criteria for funding include alignment with focus areas, effectiveness and financial soundness of the applying agency, Evergy's relationship with the agency, and the agency's location within Evergy's service or operating area.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Incididunt laboris irure cupidatat eiusmod pariatur
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Irure nostrud
not specified


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