FHC Community Project Grants

From Florida Humanities

Florida Humanities focuses on enriching the cultural and intellectual life of Florida's citizens by fostering a deeper understanding of the humanities. Through a variety of accessible programs and grants, they aim to enhance the appreciation of literature, history, culture, and art among the diverse communities within the state.

Type of Support


The Community Project Grants by Florida Humanities offer up to $10,000 to support humanities-based learning experiences. These grants are designed to encourage Floridians to engage with important topics relevant to their communities and the wider state through thoughtful public humanities programming. Specifically, this grant program supports a variety of public humanities programs that promote community engagement, such as community conversations, interpretive exhibits, lectures and podcasts, community-wide reads or reading- and film-discussion programs, cultural festivals, oral history projects, story collection and sharing programs, and interpretive tours. These projects should be accessible, promote dialogue, involve humanities scholars, and focus on serving the broader public, especially underserved communities. All supported activities must be rooted in the humanities, encourage constructive dialogue, be publicly available, and be free or low-cost to ensure wide accessibility.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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Reprehenderit sit
Laborum exercitation
up to 10k


Review Criteria

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