Forest County Potawatomi Grants

From Forest County Potawatomi Foundation

Consistent with the Potawatomi heritage, the mission of the Forest County Potawatomi Foundation is to fight poverty, promote economic opportunity, strengthen communities, and provide an example of responsible citizenship by assisting charitable organizations. The foundation reflects the Potawatomi's values including reverence for elders, responsibility for family and tribe, respect for the environment, and the willingness to share, backed by the financial success of their gaming ventures.

Type of Support


The Forest County Potawatomi Foundation's grant program is designed to uphold and disseminate the values and traditions of the Potawatomi heritage through financial support to charitable causes. With a substantial contribution of over $30 million to various causes in Forest County and the Greater Milwaukee area, the foundation focuses on areas where it can make a significant impact. The grant aims to help those facing economic challenges by supporting charitable organizations in program areas such as Arts & Culture, Civic & Community, Economic Development, Education (specifically After School Programs), the Elderly, Environmental initiatives, Health & Human Services, Native American interests, Veterans, and Youth Development. This emphasis on a wide array of program areas demonstrates the foundation's commitment to nurturing the Circle of Life concept, which respects and supports all aspects of community and personal development in alignment with Potawatomi values of self-reliance and self-determination. Through its grants, the foundation seeks to build a better tomorrow by addressing poverty and creating opportunities for economic and community strengthening.


Organization's Location
Program Location
WI (Forest County, Milwaukee County, Ozaukee County, Washington County, Waukesha County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Must have 3 years of operating experience as a registered 501(c)(3)
  • Understands the mission of the FCP Foundation
  • Ability to accomplish stated proposal
  • Board Members profile
  • History & reputation of the organization
  • Financial stability and the ability to leverage other funds
  • Quality of performance
  • Harmony with the environment


Groups without a Registered 501C(3) status acting through fiscal or fiduciary agents
General operating expenses
Capital projects
Sponsorships, fundraising events, or festivals
Individual causes or requests
Political causes, candidates, or campaigns
Churches or religious organizations not benefiting the community.
not specified


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