WaterStone Bank Foundation Charitable Giving & Sponsorships

From WaterStone Bank

WaterStone Bank created the WaterStone Bank Foundation in collaboration with the Waukesha County Community Foundation in 2002 to facilitate ongoing community support. This aligns with their corporate mission of delivering exceptional banking experiences to customers, providing advancement opportunities for employees, and offering value to shareholders. Through charitable donations, they aim to strengthen community ties, embodying their role as a responsible corporate citizen and neighbor.

Type of Support


The WaterStone Bank Foundation has pinpointed specific areas for charitable giving to channel their support more effectively. These core giving categories include:

  1. Education - Supporting nonprofit endeavors related to schools, educational programs, scholarships, libraries, and financial literacy initiatives.
  2. Women and Children - Backing organizations that focus on women's issues and children's welfare outside of educational parameters.
  3. Community Development - Aiding broad community needs through support for low-income housing, economic development, civic events, scouting and youth programs, and zoological societies.
  4. Veterans Initiatives - Offering assistance to organizations in the Greater Milwaukee area dedicated to serving military veterans.


Organization's Location
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