George Foundation Grant

From The George Foundation

The George Foundation's mission is to serve the residents of Fort Bend County by leveraging its resources in partnership with the community to enhance the quality of life and provide opportunities. Emphasizing a vision rooted in the founders, Albert and Mamie George’s vision, the Foundation focuses on creating a thriving nonprofit sector that can address critical community needs comprehensively.

Type of Support


The George Foundation Grant program aims to support a thriving nonprofit sector that facilitates a high quality of life and opportunities for Fort Bend County residents through targeted funding in four main areas: Education, Health, Human Needs, and Community Enhancement. Specifically, the Foundation prioritizes projects and initiatives that improve Career Readiness, Early Childhood and High Performing Public Education Models in Education; Access to Care for Uninsured and Behavioral Health in Health; Affordable Housing and Youth Development in Human Needs; and enhances civic engagement, parks, arts, and cultural institutions in Community Enhancement. With an annual contribution of around $15 million to the region’s community programming and grants, the Foundation is dedicated to fostering responsive, impactful, and collaborative initiatives that address the essential needs and challenges of a rapidly expanding and evolving county. It encourages applications for General Operating Grants among other types of support, aiming to invest in programs with a demonstrable community impact and to stimulate partnerships that enhance resource efficiency and effectiveness in tackling local issues.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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