Waco Foundation is committed to strengthening the organizations and groups that carry out innovative ideas and major services in the community by investing in capacity building. This initiative is rooted in the belief that organizations more thoroughly prepared in planning their work are better equipped to enhance the community's quality of life. The Foundation acknowledges varying levels of readiness and preparation among those entering nonprofit work and aims to support the development of nonprofit staff and boards in McLennan County.
Waco Foundation's grant programs aim to improve the local quality of life through both proactive and responsive grantmaking activities. These activities are centered around fostering racially equitable outcomes, helping individuals escape poverty, supporting projects that make Waco vibrant and inclusive, increasing the capacity of McLennan County's nonprofit sector, and supporting vulnerable populations. The foundation offers Capital Expenses Support Grants and Small Capital Grants for office and building equipment, renovation, construction costs, and select vehicle purchases, prioritizing human services, youth-serving, and arts/cultural organizations.
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