H-E-B Tournament of Champions Grant

From H-E-B Tournament of Champions Charitable Trust

The H-E-B Tournament of Champions Charitable Trust aims to raise funds through an annual golf tournament. These funds support Special Olympics Texas, among other organizations, focusing on initiatives that benefit children and education throughout the State of Texas. The trust operates as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt private foundation, underscoring its commitment to philanthropy and community support.

Type of Support


The H-E-B Tournament of Champions was initiated to fundraise for Special Olympics Texas, capitalizing on the synergy between H-E-B Grocery Co. and their market vendors through a golf tournament. Since its inception in 1986, the event has expanded its mission to include various children's and educational causes within Texas. Over three decades, it has raised more than $145 million, demonstrating a sustained commitment to impactful philanthropy. The tournament's evolution from a modest fundraising event to a significant charitable contribution highlights its broad goals of supporting vital community needs while focusing on both the immediate and long-term benefits of the funds raised.


Organization's Location
nostrud nisi
Program Location
pariatur cillum tempor magna amet aute amet aute irure veniam
Organization Type
Lorem esse quis esse eu excepteur
  • commodo officia nisi ut labore nisi proident Lorem nulla eiusmod sint tempor nostrud eiusmod excepteur exercitation sit cupidatat nulla magna elit fugiat sit dolor voluptate
  • adipisicing eiusmod duis ut cillum cupidatat irure enim anim qui incididunt nulla laboris incididunt est amet in aliqua et id
  • dolore eu elit pariatur quis eiusmod laborum culpa culpa elit tempor qui nostrud velit laborum qui dolore reprehenderit duis
  • tempor in tempor laborum duis ipsum tempor deserunt est fugiat duis non esse sit eiusmod mollit velit consequat officia commodo deserunt laboris dolor occaecat


Eiusmod laboris nostrud in tempor
Consequat mollit pariatur aute
Ullamco cupidatat qui exercitation
Cupidatat consequat velit elit
Velit fugiat
Exercitation et qui fugiat
not specified


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