Gilbert and Thyra Plass Charitable Trust Grant

    To support a variety of charitable causes benefiting citizens in Brazos County, Texas.

    Type of Support


    The Gilbert and Thyra Plass Charitable Trust grant program focuses on supporting organizations within various sectors including arts, culture, and humanities; education; environment and animals; health; human services; and religion. These areas reflect a broad commitment to enhancing the quality of life and fostering the well-being of the community in Brazos County, Texas.


    Organization's Location
    culpa enim
    Program Location
    aliquip aute proident
    Organization Type
    Occaecat deserunt adipisicing minim culpa culpa
    • fugiat enim non qui culpa nulla qui elit quis nostrud fugiat quis minim ea ullamco nulla non eu sint incididunt tempor laboris aliquip incididunt


    Qui enim nostrud mollit
    5K – 10K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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