Open Grants Program

From The Golden L E A F Long Term Economic Advancement Foundation In

The purpose of Golden LEAF is to fund projects that bring significant economic improvement to tobacco-dependent, economically distressed, and/or rural communities in North Carolina. The foundation focuses on strengthening the state’s long-term economy with a commitment to projects that support job creation, economic investment, workforce preparedness, and agriculture in these communities.

Type of Support


Golden LEAF’s Open Grants Program is designed to support projects that align with the foundation’s priorities of job creation and economic investment, workforce preparedness, and agriculture, aiming to foster significant economic development in North Carolina’s rural, economically distressed, and tobacco-dependent communities. To be considered for funding, projects should demonstrate potential for substantial economic impact and adhere to specific outcomes based on the priority areas: investment in infrastructure, new jobs with competitive wages, advancements in agriculture, and improvements in workforce preparedness through education and training. Proposals should be data-driven, presenting clear metrics for success in their designated focus areas. Most awards are up to $200,000, but grants of up to $500,000 can be awarded for projects that fulfill additional specified characteristics. A total of $8.5 million is available for the Open Grants Program this year.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Governmental entities
501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organizations
  • Serve the people of North Carolina
  • Funded projects must benefit tobacco-dependent, economically distressed, and/or rural communities
  • Applicants should identify the direct positive effects on target communities


For-profit businesses
Projects within the Foundation’s other program areas and initiatives
up to 200k


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadlines
Oct 26
Dec 21
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)

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