Facility and Residential Project Grant

From GRID Alternatives

GRID Alternatives’ National Tribal Program, since its initiation in 2010 and through the establishment of the TSAF in 2018, aims to assist tribal communities across the United States in achieving their renewable energy goals. This is accomplished by providing access to philanthropic capital through competitive grants and partnering with tribes and tribal individuals to support renewable energy initiatives and job training opportunities. The mission emphasizes on building renewable energy infrastructure that is feasible, cost-effective, encourages broad tribal community participation, and provides tribal members with equitable access to the economic benefits of renewable energy and career pathways.

Type of Support


The Tribal Solar Accelerator Fund (TSAF) is a tribal-led philanthropic initiative aimed at encouraging the development of new solar energy projects within tribal communities nationwide. Its primary objectives include building renewable energy infrastructure, providing educational scholarships, workforce development, training, and promoting energy leadership. The TSAF seeks to assist tribes in gaining control over their energy resources and focuses on making the implementation of solar projects feasible and cost-effective with broad community participation. Funding priorities encompass solar education, workforce development in tribal communities, supporting renewable energy project development, and emphasizing equity in the transition to a clean energy economy. The program offers support in two main areas: tribal facility solar projects, including installations on tribal buildings to meet community energy needs and generate cost savings; and tribal residential solar projects aimed at low-income housing for significant energy cost reductions. Tribes are eligible to apply for up to $200,000 in funding, which can cover one or both types of projects.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Federally recognized tribal governments in the lower 48 states and Alaska
Tribal government programs (e.g., tribal housing authority, cultural departments, economic development entities)
Tribally-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations
Fiscally-sponsored tribal community organizations
Tribal community organizations without 501(c)(3) status through a sponsoring organization
Tribally-controlled 501(c)(3) nonprofit schools
Tribally-operated schools (e.g., tribal colleges and universities, TCUs, public or Bureau of Indian Education schools)
  • Majority (>51%) of the board of directors and leadership team are American Indian or Alaska Native for "tribal-led"
  • For tribal facility projects, the community served must be designated low-to-moderate income (LMI)
  • For tribal household or multi-family projects, the resident households must be 80% or below the area median income as per HUD or another LMI-serving program


Organizations not tribal-led (with or without a fiscal sponsor)
up to 200k


Visit Apply for more information.

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