Towsley Foundation Grants

From Harry A. & Margaret D. Towsley Foundation

The Foundation is committed to continuing the legacy of Dr. and Mrs. Towsley by strengthening communities and improving lives through effective philanthropy. It aims to support creative and sustainable approaches to addressing problems in the ever-changing world.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on partnering with charitable organizations to improve the lives of people and communities, emphasizing effectiveness, sustainability, strategic thinking, environmental awareness, and collaboration. Specific areas of support include Arts & Culture (8%), Civic & Community (12%), Education (51%), Environmental (6%), and Health & Human Services (23%). The Foundation primarily supports charitable organizations within Michigan, including Southern Michigan (56%), Central Michigan (19%), Northern Michigan (6%), Upper Michigan (3%), and also funds national projects (16%). The Foundation strives for financial sustainability and self-sufficiency among its grantees, acknowledging that limited financial resources mean not all requests for support can be granted.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Preferred locations: MI, All eligible locations: USA
Organization Type
  • Located in Michigan
  • Educational conferences hosted by the applicant are eligible
  • Capital project grant requests may not exceed 10% of the total project cost
  • Grants for capital projects are paid in annual installments over 3 to 5 years


Individuals not eligible
Private foundations not eligible
Grants not for conference attendance, travel, books, publications, films, tapes, and other communications media
Political projects or organizations, or those seeking to influence legislation, ineligible
Foundation does not fund programs or organizations annually or ongoing
Organizations that have applied before must wait two years after final payment of a prior grant or declination letter to reapply, with some exceptions for organizations with separately functioning units under the same tax exemption
Discretionary grants or matching gift requests by a Foundation trustee do not affect the two-year wait period.
not specified


Review Criteria

The Foundation supports the pursuit of financial independence and self-reliance. It advocates for a variety of funding streams.

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