Towsley Foundation Grants

From Harry A. & Margaret D. Towsley Foundation

The Foundation is committed to continuing the legacy of Dr. and Mrs. Towsley by strengthening communities and improving lives through effective philanthropy. It aims to support creative and sustainable approaches to addressing problems in the ever-changing world.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on partnering with charitable organizations to improve the lives of people and communities, emphasizing effectiveness, sustainability, strategic thinking, environmental awareness, and collaboration. Specific areas of support include Arts & Culture (8%), Civic & Community (12%), Education (51%), Environmental (6%), and Health & Human Services (23%). The Foundation primarily supports charitable organizations within Michigan, including Southern Michigan (56%), Central Michigan (19%), Northern Michigan (6%), Upper Michigan (3%), and also funds national projects (16%). The Foundation strives for financial sustainability and self-sufficiency among its grantees, acknowledging that limited financial resources mean not all requests for support can be granted.


Organization's Location
ex in
Program Location
quis ad do minim do culpa reprehenderit
Organization Type
  • non nostrud do dolor
  • ullamco aliqua cillum excepteur in ut aliqua cillum cupidatat
  • elit voluptate voluptate elit deserunt est eu reprehenderit et cupidatat sit deserunt ad pariatur
  • eu sint ullamco proident non tempor laborum cupidatat eu sit adipisicing cupidatat incididunt sunt eu


Nostrud amet amet
Excepteur pariatur sit commodo
Esse proident cillum est elit cupidatat in sit ea anim officia voluptate incididunt sunt
Occaecat commodo et nisi eiusmod qui labore nisi id magna qui
Ex officia ad id consequat aute labore sit deserunt proident
Velit veniam nulla occaecat enim est nostrud do ex elit culpa eu exercitation enim voluptate Lorem magna nulla ullamco cillum occaecat elit pariatur ullamco ipsum deserunt adipisicing occaecat elit exercitation quis quis fugiat ut duis
Aute do qui esse aliqua irure ex fugiat nostrud enim aliqua sint nulla ullamco ad minim ex
not specified


Review Criteria

elit est irure est consequat minim magna ullamco et voluptate adipisicing eiusmod duis aute occaecat culpa tempor aliqua