Truman Library Institute: Research Grants

From Harry S. Truman Library Institute

The Truman Library Institute aims to enrich public understanding of history, the presidency, and America's unique form of government. It focuses on world-class museum exhibits, research grants, public programming, and education programs for students and teachers. Founded by President Truman, its goal is to promote democracy through education, inspiring service and purpose.

Type of Support


The Truman Library Institute provides Research Grants aimed at supporting scholars with up to $2,500 to conduct research at the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. This funding initiative is designed to help cover costs associated with lodging, meals, and travel for researchers engaging in projects that necessitate on-site work at the library and museum. These grants are an integral part of the Institute’s efforts to foster scholarly research and public understanding of significant historical, political, and governance themes reflective of President Truman's legacy.


Organization's Location
pariatur et
Program Location
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Organization Type
Consequat sint occaecat quis cupidatat amet eu

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up to 2.5k


Contact info
Jane Doe
(555) 555-5555
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