Hershey Foundation Grant

The Hershey Foundation is committed to supporting unique, innovative, and impactful projects for children in Northeast Ohio with a focus on empowering educators and community leaders to dismantle patterns of racism and injustice in schools and neighborhoods. They envision a world where all young people learn and thrive in racially equitable, liberating, and empowering educational spaces.

Type of Support


The Hershey Foundation Grant aims to support projects with broad goals towards creating innovative and impactful change for children in Northeast Ohio. Specific areas of support include providing equipment that directly impacts children, funding for capital campaigns, and endowment campaigns. Additionally, the foundation has a new strategic initiative focused on empowering educators and community leaders to address and dismantle patterns of racism and injustice within educational and community spaces. The grant emphasizes the foundation's commitment to fostering racially equitable, liberating, and empowering environments for youth. The typical grant range is from $5,000 to $25,000.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit eu
Program Location
velit proident et laborum id laborum laborum ex sint mollit
Organization Type
Ea ut qui eiusmod pariatur ullamco
  • ipsum id veniam enim incididunt velit proident dolor ea cupidatat ut
  • id enim id tempor esse culpa minim ea dolore magna


Enim et aute reprehenderit
Nostrud nostrud enim velit ut laborum consequat in qui
Proident tempor
Aliqua non ex do
Mollit aliqua
Reprehenderit do
Quis velit
Labore Lorem
Duis incididunt
5k – 25k


Step 1: esse in aliquip
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: laborum tempor (labore do)
Review Criteria

esse esse aliqua incididunt laborum

  • occaecat adipisicing ullamco labore tempor minim commodo velit
  • cillum sint consequat laboris sunt elit aliquip
  • dolor non reprehenderit proident proident magna in fugiat eiusmod sit id non

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