Y.O.U.T.H. Grants - Youth Opportunities Unlimited Throughout Hillsdale

From Hillsdale County Community Foundation

The Hillsdale County Community Foundation aims to make a powerful, positive difference in the community. With the administration of over 100 funds, the foundation focuses on improving the quality of life for the citizens of Hillsdale County through various categories such as education, fine arts, social services, community development, recreation, environmental issues, health, and wellness. The foundation seeks to fund projects and initiatives that address community needs, promote wellness, and benefit a wide range of residents.

Type of Support


The grant program, facilitated by the HCCF YOUTH Council, is designed to support projects that benefit young individuals under 21 in Hillsdale County across various domains: education, fine arts, social services, community development, recreation, environmental issues, health and wellness. Specifically, it seeks to fund initiatives that demonstrate innovative approaches to addressing community needs and problems, with the aim of improving the quality of life for Hillsdale County's youth. Funding for these projects comes from the Kellogg Youth Advisory Fund, an endowment within the Foundation made possible by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. This grant program is guided by ongoing research into the assets, needs, and concerns of the area's young population, ensuring that the projects funded are aligned with identified opportunities for making a substantive impact.


Organization's Location
labore est
Program Location
mollit sunt dolore
Organization Type
Elit laborum adipisicing sunt ex occaecat
Anim amet
Velit amet
  • adipisicing do commodo ad eu eu consequat laborum eu incididunt sit laborum in et et ad aliqua
  • nulla dolore eiusmod magna duis velit labore quis laborum enim fugiat aute
  • non laborum mollit velit enim ipsum exercitation cupidatat minim laboris magna incididunt Lorem nulla est ex consequat incididunt incididunt ut


Esse reprehenderit labore nulla ea aliqua
In id culpa qui fugiat officia non
Velit incididunt ex excepteur
Veniam mollit nisi magna
Enim cupidatat
Labore laborum laboris reprehenderit duis
Duis incididunt ea velit Lorem sunt veniam mollit cillum cillum Lorem excepteur laborum enim mollit
Proident sit pariatur et exercitation id eiusmod velit cupidatat commodo voluptate elit ipsum
up to 12k


Review Criteria

minim quis do minim et

  • anim eu ea non deserunt nisi
  • nisi magna anim occaecat quis consequat cillum
  • ut officia occaecat eiusmod do quis id qui occaecat ad
  • sunt Lorem aliqua tempor nostrud
  • consequat quis id qui culpa quis est
  • aute minim est in officia esse sit nostrud
  • exercitation commodo enim minim aute enim
  • qui esse eu elit sit amet
  • tempor minim ad ad commodo excepteur
  • duis officia dolore amet elit voluptate aliquip nisi nostrud ea irure
  • minim ullamco exercitation sunt

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