Y.O.U.T.H. Grants - Youth Opportunities Unlimited Throughout Hillsdale

From Hillsdale County Community Foundation

The Hillsdale County Community Foundation aims to make a powerful, positive difference in the community. With the administration of over 100 funds, the foundation focuses on improving the quality of life for the citizens of Hillsdale County through various categories such as education, fine arts, social services, community development, recreation, environmental issues, health, and wellness. The foundation seeks to fund projects and initiatives that address community needs, promote wellness, and benefit a wide range of residents.

Type of Support


The grant program, facilitated by the HCCF YOUTH Council, is designed to support projects that benefit young individuals under 21 in Hillsdale County across various domains: education, fine arts, social services, community development, recreation, environmental issues, health and wellness. Specifically, it seeks to fund initiatives that demonstrate innovative approaches to addressing community needs and problems, with the aim of improving the quality of life for Hillsdale County's youth. Funding for these projects comes from the Kellogg Youth Advisory Fund, an endowment within the Foundation made possible by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. This grant program is guided by ongoing research into the assets, needs, and concerns of the area's young population, ensuring that the projects funded are aligned with identified opportunities for making a substantive impact.


Organization's Location
Program Location
MI (Hillsdale County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Educational institutions
Governmental units
  • Located in the Hillsdale County area or serving a significant number of youth from Hillsdale County
  • Must involve youth in the planning and implementation of the project
  • Applications must be filled out by the youth of the applying organization, except for projects involving very young children


Projects focused on bricks and mortar
Ongoing programs without alternative post-grant funding plans
Religious or sectarian purposes
Legislative or political purposes
Capital campaigns
Routine maintenance, including office equipment
Administrative costs for current operations, including staff salaries and benefits (exception for direct program expenses)
Education requests that replace rather than support school district operations, including state-mandated resources.
up to 12k


Review Criteria

The YOUTH favor projects that:

  • Maximize outreach within the county
  • Enhance personal access to community assets
  • Investigate and tackle the root issues affecting the community
  • Foster self-sufficiency and success
  • Pursue challenge or matching funding opportunities
  • Draw in volunteers and secure their support
  • Bolster the private, non-profit domain
  • Promote partnerships with additional entities
  • Enhance the applicant organization's capabilities
  • Aid in launching initiatives targeting crucial community issues or needs
  • Prioritize preventative measures

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