Pathways Grants Programme

From Housing Pathways

Housing Pathways is an Ealing based, not-for-profit organisation focused on assisting communities and individuals by providing affordable housing for older people and grant funding to support various local initiatives. Their mission includes aiding those affected by low income, ill health, disability, domestic violence, and working towards the betterment of community and voluntary sectors through grants.

Type of Support


The Pathways Grants Programme is designed to support organisations working at a local level in Ealing and Brentford. It seeks to fund charitable, benevolent, and philanthropic organisations aiming to alleviate poverty, promote healthy living, tackle homelessness, support survivors of domestic violence, and improve employment and educational opportunities among other objectives. The programme is particularly interested in projects that help people on low incomes, those disadvantaged through ill health, disability, provide support into employment and education, and work to overcome isolation. The grant program emphasizes the importance of strengthening the local voluntary and community sector, and while it has a preference for certain types of projects, it remains open to considering proposals that address other critical issues within the community. Applicants are expected to detail their safeguarding arrangements for children and vulnerable adults.


Organization's Location
qui consectetur
Program Location
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Organization Type
  • cupidatat reprehenderit minim est labore nostrud pariatur reprehenderit
  • sunt esse commodo duis dolore enim dolor reprehenderit Lorem laboris ea
  • id laboris culpa non labore aute ullamco cillum ut amet eu fugiat consectetur sunt esse
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  • ea do eu irure voluptate consequat dolor esse laboris deserunt ad nostrud officia magna sit aliqua est


Aliqua magna aliquip voluptate do nisi nostrud
Minim veniam aute dolore velit tempor velit officia
Enim laborum
Dolor ad
Proident laborum ad fugiat
Quis pariatur esse sit
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Ut laboris sint cillum cillum proident
Proident commodo magna et do labore non labore ipsum
Ullamco reprehenderit ut id enim
1k – 10k


Visit Apply for more information.

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