ILCHF Funding Inquiries

From Illinois Children's Healthcare Foundation

Illinois Children's Healthcare Foundation is committed to cultivating, supporting, and promoting initiatives that improve the health and wellness of children in Illinois. Its vision is for every child in Illinois to grow up healthy.

Type of Support


The Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation aims to support new ideas, cultivate new partners, and meet emerging needs that enhance the health of Illinois’ children. The foundation focuses on fostering initiatives that improve children's health and wellness, indicating a broad goal of improving child health outcomes statewide.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type


ILCHF does NOT fund: Budget shortfalls
General operating support of already existing programs
Intermediary funding agencies
Grants to/for specific individuals
Capital campaigns for medical facilities
General medical research
Attempts to influence legislation, as prohibited by section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code for private foundations.
not specified


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