IMA Foundation Grant

From IMA Financial Group

The mission of the IMA Foundation is to provide philanthropic support in the communities where they work and live, with a vision of empowering communities to create opportunities that protect assets and make a difference.

Type of Support


The IMA Foundation focuses on advancing youth through grants targeting five key areas: education, mental health, arts & culture, food insecurity, and homelessness. These grants support organizations and programs that:

  • Enhance educational outcomes through mentoring, public education improvements, higher education access, scholarship programs, and workforce development initiatives.
  • Improve mental health access and resiliency, addressing issues such as depression, stress, anxiety, and suicide through education, training, and awareness programs.
  • Foster arts and cultural engagement for underserved youth, supporting institutions and programs that encourage creative expression and community connection.
  • Address food insecurity by funding organizations that work to provide equitable access to nutritious food, targeting the root causes of hunger and supporting programs in food deserts.
  • Assist youth experiencing homelessness by backing programs focused on safe and stable housing solutions through shelters, drop-in centers, and support services.


Organization's Location
officia officia
Program Location
labore consequat duis adipisicing ea id aute cupidatat est dolor
Organization Type
Dolore mollit do ullamco labore laboris anim voluptate proident velit quis
  • qui exercitation quis occaecat ex id quis irure occaecat occaecat ullamco amet
  • nostrud culpa adipisicing commodo est irure dolore laborum consectetur enim aliqua consectetur aute Lorem
  • cupidatat mollit nisi occaecat commodo ad commodo aute adipisicing ut ea tempor in ipsum non cillum mollit
not specified


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