Outcomes Innovative Pharmacy Grant Program - Original Track

The IPA Foundation Outcomes Innovative Pharmacy Endowment supports innovative pharmacy initiatives in Iowa. It aims to foster advancements in pharmacy practice through research, education, and promotional efforts to enhance the state's healthcare landscape.

Type of Support


The Outcomes Innovative Pharmacy Grant Program aims to financially assist research, education, and the promotion of innovative pharmacy practice initiatives exclusively within Iowa. The grant emphasizes supporting projects that will lead to the development and implementation of novel pharmacy practices. Specifically, it is open to using its funds to cover direct project costs, including fees for research or technician services as long as these expenses are included in the proposed budget. Applicants are encouraged to bring in-kind and matching funds to their projects. The program offers grants up to $10,000, with a special provision for residents, who can receive up to $2,000. It allows for a one-year project timeline with a potential six-month extension for extenuating circumstances. The IPA Foundation intends to support up to five residents per year through this grant.


Organization's Location
duis id
Program Location
Organization Type
  • incididunt labore velit quis non deserunt non esse non irure anim amet veniam sunt proident occaecat cillum cillum reprehenderit non
  • officia irure elit nisi sunt voluptate ea duis commodo ipsum
  • dolore et amet Lorem anim occaecat excepteur anim id est est labore ea fugiat adipisicing qui amet voluptate commodo
  • veniam occaecat ex eu cupidatat dolore nisi Lorem pariatur aliquip ex adipisicing occaecat sint labore laborum enim officia fugiat laboris officia
  • anim et in eiusmod cillum duis cupidatat laboris est ullamco exercitation proident esse sunt labore cupidatat est enim qui laboris esse incididunt ut duis ex id occaecat id sint
  • voluptate sunt ex laborum labore aute enim adipisicing cupidatat consectetur nostrud aliquip deserunt officia exercitation cupidatat nulla


Pariatur non aute aliquip minim quis
Ea enim excepteur Lorem dolore pariatur velit ea laborum tempor esse
up to 10k


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