Jaburg & Wilk Foundation Grant

The Jaburg & Wilk Foundation is dedicated to enriching the quality of life for Arizona residents by promoting private giving and enhancing the capabilities of smaller service organizations.

Type of Support


The Foundation offers grants to local non-profits working in sectors such as the arts, education, children, at-risk programs, and other community initiatives. These grants are subject to approval by the Foundation's Grant Committee.


Organization's Location
Program Location
AZ (Maricopa County, Pinal County)
Organization Type
Local non-profit organizations involved in the arts, education, children, at-risk programs, and other community-based efforts
not specified


Review Criteria

The funder prioritizes support for organizations that exhibit the following characteristics:

  1. Operational excellence and financial health, as indicated by active and effective board involvement, consistent leadership, and a variety of revenue streams including earned income.

  2. A clear commitment to serving the demonstrated and immediate needs of people in Maricopa or Pinal counties through their mission and specific projects.

  3. Evidence of robust support from the community for both the organization and its initiatives. This might be reflected in a diversity of funding sources and community partnerships, or a wide range of participants benefiting from its work.

  4. Efficiency in delivering services, shown by allocating more than 80% of its expenses directly to its programs.

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