The Jackson Foundation Grant

    From The Jackson Foundation

    The Jackson Foundation, established from the bequest of Maria C. Jackson, funds initiatives to promote public welfare with a focus on charitable, educational, or eleemosynary purposes within Oregon, especially Portland. With the guidance of trustees, it aims to support activities best calculated to advance the welfare of the public in these regions.

    Type of Support


    The Jackson Foundation grant emphasizes broad charitable purposes to uplift the welfare of communities within Oregon, especially in Portland. It targets a wide array of initiatives, including but not limited to charitable, educational, and public welfare advancements. The foundation exercises a flexible approach in selecting beneficiaries, prioritizing projects that greatly contribute to community well-being. Managed by the Charitable Services Group of U.S. Bank, it seeks proposals that align with its mission to enhance public welfare in the specified regions.


    Organization's Location
    exercitation magna
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Ex laboris
    Irure eu ex pariatur id officia eu est fugiat amet quis
    Sit cillum
    1K – 50K


    Visit Apply for more information.

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