Metro works with communities, businesses and residents in the Portland metropolitan area to chart a wise course for the future while protecting the things we love about this place. Metro serves more than 1.7 million people in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties.
Metro provides sponsorship funds to nonprofit organizations whose initiatives align with their strategic outcomes. These sponsorships support community programs, events, and projects that promote accessibility to everyday needs in vibrant communities, enhance regional economic competitiveness and prosperity, offer reliable transportation choices, lead in climate change initiatives, and ensure clean air, water, and healthy ecosystems for all generations. They prioritize equity concerning the benefits and burdens of regional growth. Specific activities funded include food stability, employment counseling, small business recovery support, and family and youth support. While on hiatus and subject to reassessment based on community needs, Metro's council community support fund has distributed significant funding for recovery/relief support to nonprofits. Sponsorship awards typically range from $500 to $1500 per fiscal year, advising applicants to justify requests for larger amounts based on their value to the organization and alignment with Metro's mission.
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