Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation Grant

From Jacob And Hilda Blaustein Foundation Inc

The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation aims to support individuals in living in a safe and healthy environment, enjoying fundamental civil and political rights. It particularly focuses on addressing institutionalized racism, xenophobia, and the effects of climate change, especially on people of color and low-income communities.

Type of Support


The grant program of The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation focuses on supporting nonprofit organizations within the Baltimore area, specifically targeting two main program areas: Youth Development and Environmental Stewardship. For Youth Development, the Foundation emphasizes support for older Baltimore City youth through enrichment programs that are trauma-informed and offer holistic approaches with wrap-around services, aiming for strong outcomes that help youths graduate high school and connect to further education or jobs. The Environmental Stewardship program, while still under development, aims to support hands-on environmental efforts and community engagement at a small scale, with guidelines for funding to be provided in the future. The Foundation accepts letters of inquiry and proposals on a rolling basis, offering general support as well as project-specific funding, guided by a Program Officer after an initial letter of inquiry.


Organization's Location
aliquip culpa
Program Location
laborum fugiat qui
Organization Type
Tempor proident in dolor proident
Dolor deserunt commodo consequat mollit
  • aliquip incididunt velit cillum ullamco aliqua nostrud voluptate


Ut aliquip non aute amet
Laboris culpa esse consequat culpa magna dolore cillum dolor eiusmod
Nulla amet incididunt Lorem laborum nisi eiusmod sunt pariatur veniam reprehenderit mollit enim occaecat
up to 100k


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