Global Partnerships: Grant Small

From Japan Foundation, New York

The mission of the funder is to support projects that deepen understanding about Japan, promote cross-cultural exchange, and nurture global perspectives among K-12 students, teachers, and the community in the United States.

Type of Support


The Japan-U.S. Global Partnerships Small Grant is designed to support U.S.-based nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) status in developing networks between the U.S. and Japan to address common social issues. The grant, offering up to $10,000, focuses on projects aimed at building a resilient society, developing an inclusive society, and creating a society enriched by science and technology. Specific interests include efforts related to disaster prevention, public health, community development, revitalization of local communities, empowerment of women, mental health, and the impact of technological advancements on society. Projects must include a collaborative element between the U.S. and Japan, host at least one event to support dialogue and networking, start by March 31, 2023, and secure a minimum of 20% of the budget from non-JFNY sources.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
U.S. institutions
  • Grant covers direct costs such as personnel, travel, conference costs, and report & publication costs
  • Supports indirect costs up to 10% of the total direct costs
  • Proposals reviewed based on innovation, impact, inclusion of diverse viewpoints, organizational capability, importance for U.S.–Japan collaboration, inclusivity, and project sustainability
  • Maximum request of $10,000, inclusive of indirect costs


Projects funded for over three years
Projects already receiving grants from other JF programs including JF Los Angeles
Japanese-language education programs
Purely technical or scientific projects
Projects that include political, religious, or commercial activities
Sightseeing-oriented student exchange programs
Support for capital funds, endowment drives, rent, or procurement of equipment
up to 10k


Review Criteria

Priority will be given to projects that are proposed by or in collaboration with a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). Projects associated with recurring or yearly events will be considered less favorably.

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