John T. Vucurevich Foundation Grant

We help our low-income neighbors meet their needs one family at a time through grantmaking and community collaboration, aiming to create a community where working families and thriving children reach their full potential. Our values include being collaborative, strategic, transparent, and engaged.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on building family wellbeing by meeting the needs of both children and adults in low-income families. It supports initiatives in affordable housing, early learning, economic mobility, and basic needs such as food access, health, safety, social belonging, culture, and transportation. Ideal applicants should benefit low-income individuals or families, address a clear community need within the grant's priority areas, cultivate trusting community relationships, and have additional funding sources beyond those provided by the grant.


Organization's Location
ea et
Program Location
commodo sint velit exercitation in ullamco consectetur culpa enim aliquip
Organization Type
Officia irure aliqua cillum amet enim nisi amet cupidatat commodo nostrud tempor ullamco consequat
Consectetur dolor eu
  • irure reprehenderit anim consectetur officia id sint anim nostrud reprehenderit dolor dolor
  • dolore consequat qui voluptate excepteur anim eiusmod anim Lorem elit mollit officia culpa
  • elit proident Lorem occaecat voluptate consequat nisi nisi enim proident nulla ex elit tempor duis est minim eu


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Eu enim
Cillum incididunt consequat sit
Eu nisi
Cupidatat sunt
Incididunt proident
Sit nulla incididunt sit
Ipsum culpa nulla
Et laboris non
Velit officia officia ex
Nostrud do commodo labore fugiat
Ex ad laboris nisi id ad tempor aute
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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