Annual Grants: Public Policy Requests

The John William Pope Foundation aims to improve the well-being of North Carolinians by making grants to support public policy groups, educational institutions, humanitarian efforts, and the arts. With the guiding philosophy that "self-reliance, self-confidence, and integrity are the keys to success," the Foundation, established by the success of Variety Wholesalers Inc., endeavors to ensure future generations enjoy the same opportunities to live, work, pursue interests, and prosper in a society that values freedom, personal responsibility, and the free market system. Since its inception in 1986, the Foundation has focused its efforts primarily on supporting charities and organizations within North Carolina.

Type of Support


The grant supports public policy research initiatives that advocate for a free-market economy as the best means to achieve widespread prosperity. It emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility and initiative for a free and prosperous nation. The grant espouses the belief that solutions should not only address immediate needs (giving fish) but also empower individuals through rights, such as the right to fish, sell one's catch, and enjoy the fruits of one's labor as fundamental to a just society. The Foundation does not impose geographic limitations on where its grants can be applied, indicating a broad scope for eligible research activities that align with its principles.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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not specified


Review Criteria

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