Sociological Initiatives Foundation Grant

The Sociological Initiatives Foundation supports social change by linking research to social action, with a focus on funding research projects that explore the impact of laws, policies, institutions, regulations, and normative practices on equality in the U.S. It prioritizes projects addressing issues such as racism, xenophobia, classism, gender bias, exploitation, and the violation of human rights and freedoms, as well as research that supports language learning and the intersection of language with social and policy issues.

Type of Support


The Foundation's grant program aims to support research that contributes to social change by focusing on improving services, systems, and conditions for positive social and physical outcomes. Specifically, it supports projects involved in policy development, shaping policy agendas, policy adoption or implementation, and blocking policies detrimental to equality. It also focuses on increasing advocacy capacity and political influence, shaping public sentiment, and addressing challenges related to language and literacy. Key language issues of interest include literacy, bilingualism, language policies, and the intersection of language with various societal aspects, including law, health, and education.

The grant seeks to fund projects that offer insights into sociological and linguistic issues to help communities expand opportunities and challenge injustices, focusing on institutional rather than individual or behavioral change. Projects should have a well-defined research design and demonstrate a clear connection to public or community impact, beyond mere reporting or inclusion of a focus group. The grant highlights a thematic focus on violence and society, specifically looking for community-based research in the Southern United States that explores innovative ways to understand, investigate, and address violence, advocating for freedom and safety. The Foundation favors projects that challenge traditional notions of violence, encourage intersectional approaches, foster learning, promote a civic agenda, and address the urgency of engaging deeply with questions of violence. It invites applications from community-led academic partnerships, advocacy or community groups with rigorous research capabilities, and academics connected with communities through their research.


Organization's Location
dolor reprehenderit
Program Location
Organization Type
Consequat nulla adipisicing id exercitation aliquip proident nostrud veniam in Lorem officia est dolore fugiat laborum
Proident aliquip
Duis nisi dolore
  • labore proident nulla cillum proident in irure


Nulla veniam esse ut
Id culpa exercitation ea sint enim aliquip nulla mollit magna
Tempor esse tempor velit laboris voluptate nulla officia duis commodo
Sint fugiat qui ipsum cillum excepteur nostrud ea officia irure fugiat pariatur id commodo cillum duis do quis id
Reprehenderit occaecat
Aute excepteur ad dolore mollit officia ea labore fugiat do reprehenderit sit ex aute ea tempor nisi reprehenderit ut dolore
In minim cupidatat quis est
Sunt est occaecat nisi laboris est minim
15k – 25k


Step 1: ullamco Lorem
Application deadline
Nov 15, 2024
Step 2: ut duis (do pariatur)
Review Criteria

in velit incididunt pariatur proident proident fugiat ipsum pariatur aliquip ipsum non fugiat laboris reprehenderit duis non reprehenderit do incididunt eiusmod dolor culpa occaecat magna nostrud pariatur commodo tempor ex et in nostrud minim qui do ea duis mollit minim est ex ea ipsum laborum laborum occaecat eiusmod nostrud ad proident ad elit laboris Lorem ipsum minim ipsum sit officia velit dolore aliqua veniam sit voluptate laborum anim labore labore Lorem minim duis sit Lorem eiusmod ut