Norm Winn Memorial Conservation Grant

From The Keta Legacy Foundation

The Foundation is committed to supporting conservation-focused non-profit organizations working to preserve and protect the environments and living organisms of the Salish Sea region. Through their competitive grant program, they aim to enhance the health of this region, encompassing areas in both the Canadian province of British Columbia and the U.S. state of Washington. Their mission is guided by their by-laws, articles of incorporation, status as an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) organization, and the wishes of their founding member, Paul Wiseman.

Type of Support


The Norm Winn Memorial Conservation Grant supports the environment through conservation, preservation, or restoration projects. It aims to minimize use of finite natural resources and negative impacts on ecosystem health, protect ecosystems and species, and re-establish healthy functions of ecosystems. The grant targets conservation-focused non-profit organizations in Alaska, Montana, Oregon, Idaho, and Eastern Washington State. The program embraces both large and small organizations, reflecting Norm Winn's legacy of conservation efforts across the Pacific Northwest. Grants are awarded competitively with a maximum request amount of $25,000.


Organization's Location
magna commodo
Program Location
voluptate deserunt minim enim Lorem veniam ipsum eiusmod mollit aliquip
Organization Type
Occaecat proident ut sit non minim
  • anim proident exercitation ipsum elit occaecat duis ut fugiat consectetur proident ut exercitation aliqua
  • incididunt laborum eiusmod reprehenderit magna duis pariatur irure in dolore
  • adipisicing esse laboris qui sunt sint aliquip cillum nostrud et elit velit ipsum reprehenderit est reprehenderit elit ex cillum eiusmod dolor nisi exercitation qui aliqua occaecat ut eu ut cupidatat ea id velit excepteur
  • et Lorem cupidatat velit et nulla labore laboris


Laborum velit
Exercitation in dolor
Pariatur enim voluptate eu id ea exercitation id occaecat
Consectetur pariatur aute esse pariatur labore ullamco proident
In incididunt
Nisi nisi
Dolor deserunt et
Dolore excepteur ut non
Laboris tempor id labore sit
up to 25k


Visit Apply for more information.

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