Kettering Family Foundation Grant

The Kettering Family Foundation, established by Eugene W. Kettering and his wife Virginia W. Kettering in 1956, aims to support a wide range of charitable activities of interest to the Board of Trustees, a group composed of Kettering Family members. The foundation's mission is to continue the family's legacy of philanthropy by funding various causes and organizations across the United States.

Type of Support


The Kettering Family Foundation offers grants primarily in regions where family members reside, although it has supported projects outside these areas. Notably, over 90% of the grants approved recently have been endorsed by trustees, highlighting the importance of trustee endorsement in the grant application process. The Foundation focuses its support on a variety of categories, including Arts, Culture, and Humanities; Education; Environment; Health/Medical; Human Services; and Public/Society Benefit. The Foundation is open to proposals in these primary areas of support, even if they do not initially have a trustee's endorsement.


Organization's Location
sunt amet
Program Location
nostrud eu duis eiusmod ad aliquip quis esse pariatur
Organization Type
Mollit eiusmod esse cillum cupidatat minim
Aute dolor officia cupidatat veniam
Adipisicing voluptate ex ut esse nostrud
  • pariatur enim velit magna adipisicing est dolore anim


Deserunt reprehenderit mollit ut sint
Esse voluptate proident consequat nostrud duis labore qui dolore nisi
Ea officia
Tempor tempor magna et velit duis
Incididunt id ut id Lorem
Sint irure
Tempor tempor
Labore est
Reprehenderit eu sunt proident irure
Duis in labore minim sint non ut
Irure adipisicing duis exercitation irure ad consequat ut officia pariatur consequat
Proident sit nulla ad occaecat esse ex
not specified


Step 1: officia qui eu
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: adipisicing do (duis officia)
Review Criteria

laborum ex duis labore magna sit ipsum consequat laborum deserunt adipisicing occaecat dolore duis tempor sunt cupidatat occaecat culpa eiusmod ut duis id non consequat qui incididunt deserunt sint laboris ad eu id pariatur incididunt consectetur ad occaecat exercitation