The La Crescent Community Foundation aims to support charitable, recreational, scientific, literary, cultural, or educational purposes within the La Crescent area. It was formed to manage and distribute donations for community projects and continues its mission through endowments and trusts, funding various initiatives that benefit the community.
The grant program of the La Crescent Community Foundation focuses on improving the quality of life for people in the La Crescent area. This includes funding local improvement projects such as city beautification, enhancement of park systems and recreational areas, and other projects that respond to community needs. Past projects have included securing land for Old Hickory Park, supporting the Boys & Girls Club, improving facilities at the A.B.L.E. center, sponsoring a high school robotics program, and contributing towards community event centers. The foundation seeks to fund a variety of projects and needs that contribute to the development of services, programs, events, and initiatives in La Crescent.
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