Lawrence Foundation Grant

    From Lawrence Foundation

    The Lawrence Foundation is a private family foundation established in mid-2000, concentrating its efforts on making grants to support environmental, human services, and various other causes. This foundation aims to foster positive change without geographical restrictions, funding both program and operating grants for eligible nonprofit organizations.

    Type of Support


    The Lawrence Foundation's grant program aims to support nonprofit organizations through financial assistance ranging from $5,000 to $10,000, with the possibility of larger grants for organizations with which the foundation has an established relationship. While generally not providing multi-year grants, the foundation is open to funding the same organization annually over several years. Eligible organizations can apply for either general operating or specific program/project grants, with a focus on environmental and human services causes among others. All grants issued are unrestricted, providing recipients with flexibility in how they use the funds.


    Organization's Location
    pariatur in
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Minim non cupidatat duis laborum voluptate
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    Id incididunt et occaecat excepteur ea
    Dolor voluptate elit qui enim tempor esse


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