LB Charitable Foundation Grant

    Our mission is to provide financial support to non-profit organizations, human and health services, homeless shelters, military veterans, religious causes, humane societies, and victims of crimes and calamities.

    Type of Support


    Who we help:

    • Cure for cancer and other diseases through provided support of advanced medical research
    • The homeless and community shelters
    • Aid and relief to disabled veterans
    • Communities suffering from natural disasters
    • Individuals suffering from substance abuse problems
    • Victims of gang and gun violence
    • Christian ministries and outreach efforts
    • Local humane societies and animal shelters


    Organization's Location
    adipisicing elit
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    not specified


    Required Attachments
    aute officia
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    ad commodo
    nostrud ullamco
    reprehenderit duis
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