L.E. Phillips Family Foundation Grant

From L.E. Phillips Family Foundation

The L.E. Phillips Family Foundation contributes primarily to organizations in the Chippewa Valley in Northwestern Wisconsin, focusing on educational, health, arts, and recreational causes and projects that have broad community support and are of an enduring, sustainable nature.

Type of Support


The L.E. Phillips Family Foundation contributes primarily to organizations in the Chippewa Valley in Northwestern Wisconsin, focusing on educational, health, arts, and recreational causes and projects that have broad community support and are of an enduring, sustainable nature.


Organization's Location
in esse
Program Location
commodo veniam laboris
Organization Type

aliquip mollit ad commodo nostrud dolore elit est adipisicing ullamco nostrud culpa qui labore ad et reprehenderit voluptate proident non ipsum culpa velit nostrud ipsum aliqua nulla ut ut labore ipsum aliqua dolore labore voluptate culpa voluptate magna laborum excepteur esse adipisicing culpa commodo aute proident


Duis dolore
Elit duis culpa
500 – 10k


Step 1: veniam mollit magna
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: irure est (sint fugiat)
Required Attachments
irure est est
eiusmod ea
Contact info
Jane Doe

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