Oscar Rennebohm Foundation Grant

The primary mission of the ORF is to provide funding to organizations for both programs or building projects that will positively impact lives, with a primary focus on education, healthcare, human services/community welfare, and research.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support organizations in their efforts to make a significant positive impact in various areas, including education, healthcare, human services/community welfare, and research. The process encourages potential applicants to submit Letters of Inquiry throughout the year, and it is recommended to contact the President prior to submission to ensure alignment with the grant's requirements.


Organization's Location
esse irure
Program Location
labore amet sit
Organization Type
Deserunt culpa sunt ut culpa sint anim
Aliqua deserunt cupidatat adipisicing tempor irure
  • exercitation fugiat amet ut elit mollit proident


Commodo esse exercitation velit quis sunt
Nisi ea exercitation
Nulla fugiat consequat dolor exercitation
Reprehenderit id reprehenderit laborum adipisicing irure reprehenderit eiusmod
Incididunt ea dolor veniam in laborum
Elit reprehenderit exercitation sint sunt in est magna velit dolor
not specified


Review Criteria

voluptate consectetur commodo est magna ex exercitation enim do ullamco aliquip quis cupidatat labore nostrud

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