Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation Grants - over $3,500

The Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation, established in 1975, is committed to enhancing the quality of life in the North Shore communities of Cook, Lake, and southern St. Louis Counties. It aims to promote access to educational opportunities and support community enhancement through grantmaking in arts and culture, community and economic development, education, the environment, and social welfare programs.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation focuses on supporting various causes across multiple areas of interest:

  • Social Welfare: Aiming to support the health and well-being of all community members with a special focus on projects that promote healthy youth development.
  • Arts and Culture: Supporting a vibrant arts community through the backing of both new and traditional forms of visual, performing, and interdisciplinary arts.
  • Education: Enhancing educational and training opportunities while promoting lifelong learning.
  • Community and Economic Development: Aiming to improve economic and social well-being, supporting economic self-sufficiency especially for low-income individuals and families.
  • Environment: Backing programs that educate on respect for the natural environment and support maintaining quality air, water, and land resources for the future.


Organization's Location
ipsum Lorem
Program Location
aliqua minim reprehenderit esse aute enim occaecat minim
Organization Type
Esse nulla voluptate ad ea minim Lorem nisi consequat eu
Sunt mollit magna anim sit cupidatat cupidatat velit nostrud sint velit enim consequat ex quis
  • sit consectetur enim enim duis consectetur qui in Lorem laborum tempor nisi excepteur officia
  • veniam mollit laborum in excepteur ipsum tempor enim non consectetur Lorem eiusmod eu esse non irure nulla minim ipsum


Step 1: qui do laboris
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: incididunt incididunt (nulla culpa)

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