Madison Foundation Grant

To connect donors to causes they deeply care about, aiming to enhance the quality of life in Madison across various sectors including social, cultural, environmental, educational, and recreational aspects. The mission is to foster broad-based philanthropy to benefit Madison residents, build and expand endowment funds for community needs, and serve as a trusted steward for donors wanting to leave a lasting legacy in Madison.

Type of Support


Grant programs from the Madison Foundation are directed towards supporting a broad range of causes including arts and culture, civic affairs, education, the environment, and health and human services. There are no fixed funding levels, allowing for a wide variance in grant amounts based on the program objectives and necessary activities. The foundation accepts grant requests year-round, reviewing them on a monthly basis, encouraging applicants to request funding that meets the scope of their program needs and can be effectively managed.


Organization's Location
Program Location
CT (New Haven County)
Organization Type
Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations
  • Projects aimed at improving the quality of life in the Town of Madison
  • Seed money available for new organizations at the discretion of the board
  • Organizations must demonstrate a prospect for success, sound management practices, and accountability for funds
  • Must have clear, attainable goals relevant to community needs
  • Proposals for challenge grants to stimulate support from other funding resources are considered
  • Typically for one-time projects, with funds possibly spread over time
  • Multi-year funding requires prior discussion with the grant committee


For-profit organizations
Programs of a religious or partisan nature
Organizations that discriminate by race, color, creed, gender, or national origin
Requests for general operating expenses, fundraising events, or annual giving appeals
Research projects not associated with a specific action project
Intermediary fund agencies.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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