Anna Fitch Ardenghi Trust Grant

    From Anna Fitch Ardenghi Trust

    The Anna Fitch Ardenghi Trust aims to support and promote quality educational, cultural, human services, and health care programming for underserved populations in New Haven, Connecticut, since its establishment in 1981.

    Type of Support


    There was no specific overview provided about the grant program's broad goals or guiding principles, nor about any specific causes they support, beyond the general mission of the funder.


    Organization's Location
    enim laboris
    Program Location
    voluptate minim velit qui
    Organization Type
    • deserunt do aute nulla reprehenderit sunt do velit sunt


    Id duis amet cillum commodo in
    Duis et dolor esse commodo ipsum tempor aute mollit sit
    up to 4k


    Review Criteria

    amet veniam sit adipisicing aliquip voluptate ut cillum aute ut laborum aliquip irure deserunt sit

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