SBM Charitable Foundation Grant

    The SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc., aims to enrich the lives of those in Hartford, Tolland, and Windham Counties, reflecting the vision of the former Savings Bank of Manchester. It focuses on improving Health, Human Services, Education, Housing, and the Arts in these communities.

    Type of Support


    The grant program focuses on enhancing the quality of life in specific communities by supporting a broad range of initiatives. These include education through scholarships and literacy programs, health via direct services and interventions, human services that improve personal life quality, housing projects that promote home ownership and affordability, and arts to increase cultural activity access. The goal is to foster education enrichment, economic development, and social well-being among residents.


    Organization's Location
    duis sunt
    Program Location
    exercitation ullamco in esse voluptate ipsum minim
    Organization Type
    Sit tempor ipsum laboris amet incididunt
    • ex amet pariatur duis fugiat laborum non anim quis labore pariatur
    • sint ea sint id aliqua ullamco cupidatat voluptate Lorem do commodo id consequat minim enim labore veniam velit


    Voluptate sunt tempor in sint exercitation magna ipsum cillum dolore
    Quis anim
    Anim deserunt mollit velit fugiat quis occaecat
    Voluptate consequat exercitation consectetur mollit mollit occaecat proident sint sit
    Fugiat eu laboris cupidatat tempor esse
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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