Statewide Agriculture Education Organization Grant

From Maine Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC)

Maine Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) aims to enhance awareness among students about agriculture's pivotal role in the economy and society, encouraging informed citizens who back sound agricultural policies and local initiatives. Funded through specialty license plates, grants, and private contributions, MAITC has reached over 77,000 students, promoting agricultural understanding statewide and nationally since 2007.

Type of Support


The Agriculture Education Organization Grant, offering up to $2,000, supports projects that incorporate agricultural concepts into Pre K – 12th grade curricula. It aims to promote understanding of the food and fiber system in both Maine and the nation. Eligible uses for funds include events, materials, and educational programs with a statewide impact, benefiting students, educators, and volunteers. The grant's duration is limited to one year.


Organization's Location
cupidatat aliquip
Program Location
Organization Type
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Minim tempor
Duis consequat
up to 2k


Review Criteria

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