The Foundation is dedicated to promoting sustainable and equitable community growth, enhancing educational opportunities, understanding the interconnection between rural and urban economies, and protecting working landscapes and those who depend on them. It focuses its efforts on coastal regions of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and selected international locations with a significant portion of its resources devoted to Southeastern Massachusetts.
The grant program aims to support projects within coastal areas of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and certain international locales, particularly focusing on Southeastern Massachusetts. It emphasizes environmental conservation, with specific interests in the conservation of marine and coastal resources. Priority areas include North Atlantic right whale research, coastal waterbird habitat protection, coastal land preservation, and initiatives linking climate change with renewable energy and regional planning. Additionally, the program supports sustainable agriculture, community-based fisheries, capacity strengthening for local conservation organizations, integration of community health and environmental conservation, and promotion of environmental justice by including voices of those most affected by environmental issues.
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